A Responsible and Sustainable Beef Production

What we do to reduce our carbon footprint?

Solar energy

Over the last 5 years we have installed solar power at most bores to lessen our diesel consumption and carbon footprint.

New Techonologies

We believe AgTech is a major player in creating a sustainable beef business. A great example is our investment in Farmbot, which is a tank monitor that delivers real-time updates on water level. It improves our efficiencies and ecological footprint as we are lowering our consumption of fuel.

Carbon Neutral by 2030

We support The Australian red meat industry target to be carbon neutral by 2030 and are currently determining our own Carbon Footprint.

We constantly strive to improve our carbon footprint by considering energy and herd efficiencies and renewable technologies.


Another sustainable project is our partnership with CERES tags. The satellite-monitered ear tags are designed to determine grazing patterns, landscape use, reproduction, health and welfare needs. The ear tags gives our real time geo location of our animals and assist us to register land use and provide us with data for carbon farming requirements, finance and insurance making decisions.

Cibo Labs

We have established a partnership with Cibo Labs, which is satellite remote sensing and data science to estimate feed supply for every hectare and to monitor changes in the feedbase and land condition. This help us make data based day-to-day grazing management decisions.